

A count from the planet of Space Romania, Vladimir attempts to subjugate the citizens of Super Awesome Showdown, rather than compete. After several hazardous conflicts re-directed to Showdown's heroes, Count Tempest seems to be docile for the moment. There has been quite a bit of speculation as to his origins and the mysterious nature of his powers, and while no direct proof has been found as of yet, few who have faced him can deny his supernatural agility, strength and cunning.

Height: 5'9" 
Weight: 8 Liters of Blood
Age: 312 Space Romanian Lunar Years
Special Attacks: Essence Drain,  Space Romanian Destroyer

Power - •••••••
Energy - ••••••••
Speed - •••••••
Smarts - •••••
Skill - ••••••
Toughness - •••••

Vladimir IN ACTION


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